Working on my personal website for DBC has been a positive experience for me. I tried not to get too lost in the aesthetics of it, or that it be reflective of me. The website itself was just a means to an end for me, not the end itself, I decided. The site was just a vehicle for me to learn and practice things I felt weak or inexperienced at, or just wanted to play with.

For example, after week two's CSS curriculum, I still felt uncomfortable with CSS. So it was during week three that I devoted many hours to redesigning my website with the express purpose of getting stronger at CSS and HTML. During that redesign, I learned to use Flexbox, which makes positioning in CSS so much easier and intuitive. I also gained valuable experience working with Font Awesome, Google Fonts, and the Emmet plugin for Sublime.

As the weeks went by, I made some improvements here and there. For instance, instead of using code screenshots or even code snippets between PRE and CODE tags, I leveraged GitHub Gists. Gists are superior in my eyes because they're automatically color-coded. I customized the way Gists looked by overriding Github's CSS with my own. That was a good learning experience. And for the cheatsheet challenge, I decided to get familiar with Bootstrap, using it to layout the page. Again, a valuable experience.

In the end, I'm satisfied with the way my website looks. But I'm even more pleased at how much I've learned in the process of improving it.